Haida Texts and Myths
Haida Texts and Myths is the definitive textbook for Haida language revitalization programs. Haida Texts and Myths, Skidegate Dialect, were obtained on the southern end of Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia Canada during the winter of 1900-1901.  The interpreter was former Chief Henry Moody. The book contains an alphabet with phonetic signs, twelve Texts with free and interlinear translations, Stories accompanied by texts in both English and Haida language, fifty-eight Myths in English – from Raven Traveling  to fights and wars with the Tsimshian, Tlingit, Niska, Bellabella and many other indigenous peoples of the Northwest.  The book contains 448 pages with illustrations and bound in a quality paper bound binding for years of shelf life. This is a high quality printed book and not a facsimile copy that have missing pages and are hard to read.Â