Native Peoples A to Z: A Reference Guide to Native Peoples of the Western Hemisphere
Native Peoples A to Z: A Reference Guide to the Native Peoples of the Western Hemisphere (Second Edition)
Classes on Native Peoples and First Nations are taught in the United States and Canada. Students, faculty and the general public interested in the indigenous peoples and cultures of the Americas will be searching school and public libraries for new resources on Native Peoples of the Western Hemisphere.
The Native Peoples of the Americas flourished in the Western Hemisphere for thousands of years prior to contact with Europeans. These Native Peoples were the original stewards of the land. They handed down their languages, knowledge and traditions which continue to thrive throughout the hemisphere today. In order to truly understand and appreciate the enormous contributions of the original people of the Americas, you must examine all of the tribes and nations of the Western Hemisphere. In honor of all the Tribes and Nations of the Americas, Native American Book Publishers is proud to introduce the Second Edition of NATIVE PEOPLES A TO Z: A Reference Guide to the Native Peoples of the Western Hemisphere.
NATIVE PEOPLES A TO Z is published as an eight volume set that recounts the history of Native Peoples, beginning with the Ice Age and covering traditional native cultures before and after European contact in an easy to use A to Z format. Volumes One through Six contain articles on hundreds of Tribes and Nations, Biographies of significant and noteworthy Native Americans, Historical Events, and segments about daily life. Volume Seven contains all the Treaties between U.S. Tribes and Nations and the United States Government. Volume Eight contains an expansive Chronology, Bibliography, Directory of Internet Resources, Directory of Tribes and Nations, and a 14,000 citation index that makes the set thoroughly referential.
The set is abundantly illustrated with hundreds of images and maps, many in color. NATIVE PEOPLES A TO Z covers the Native Peoples of all areas of the Western Hemisphere, carefully explaining the differences in culture, history and social organization. Major topics include language, religion, the arts, sports, and games. Many of the articles were written by Native American scholars.
In order to gain a complete understanding of the world in which they live, it is crucial for all to learn not only about the North American indigenous peoples (who make up only five percent of the total indigenous population of the Americas), but also about the enormous contributions of the Aztec, Mayan, Inca, and the numerous indigenous cultures that flourish in what is now Mexico, Central America and South America.
November is National Native American Heritage Month in the United States, and June is National Aboriginal History Month in Canada. Students, faculty and the general public will be searching for new reference materials that highlight the significant cultural customs and contributions of the indigenous peoples. NATIVE PEOPLES A TO Z presents the diverse experiences of the indigenous peoples of the Americas.
NATIVE PEOPLES A TO Z provides compelling samples of indigenous Art, culture, literature and history. By purchasing a set for your library, you will be providing educators, students and the public with a current reference book that accurately reflects the history of these tribes and nations.
NATIVE PEOPLES A TO Z will allow students, faculty and the public a heightened awareness and understanding of how these diverse indigenous cultures and their unique tribal traditions have positively affected current culture and society.
Reviews by notable Native Peoples scholars:
“Very impressive and detailed. Much better than Hodge’s short version. Very comprehensive.”
“The huge Smithsonian project is fine – but an encyclopedia format is an easier reference to use. The writing is good and clear. A fine reference work.”
“Good division – pre-contact and early colonial times – the proper way to divide these periods. Excellent and very detailed.”
“I was impressed by the amount of research in the work – the selection, writing and editing. I note the thoroughness of each entry.”
“The encyclopedia is a wonderful idea. The coverage is very impressive and the tone very consistent. A very welcome research tool.”
- Binding: Hardbound
- Volumes: Eight
- Page Size: 10.6 in X 12.6 in
- Pages: 3,884
- Published: 2009
- ISBN-10: 1878592734
- ISBN-13: 9781878592736