British Columbia Indigenous Flag / First Nations Flag
British Columbia Indigenous Flag / First Nations Flag
Celebrate BC Day with the BC Indigenous Flag designed by Kwagiulth artist Lou-ann Neel. More about Lou-ann Neel:
“My English name is Lou-ann Neel, and I am a descendant of the Mamalillikulla, Da’nax’daxw, Ma’amtagila, ‘Namgis and Kwagiulth tribes of the Kwakwaka’wakw (Kwak’wala-speaking people).
In my home territory, the Kwak’wala names I carry are K’iditle’logw; Ika’wega and Ga’axstalas.
I have been designing and creating original design works for over 30 years; working first in wood carving and original painted designs and moving on to work in textiles and jewelry design.
My work is greatly influenced by the work of my grandmother, Ellen Neel (Kakasolas) and my great, great grandfather, Charlie James (Yakuglas), and I consider it a great honour to be able to continue the artistic traditions of my family.”
Product Details:
- Artist: Curtis Wilson of the Kwakwaka’wakw
- Fabric: Polyknit
- Accessories:Â Rope and Toggle / Grommets