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Deacons: Servants of Charity Supply

Original price was: $9.98.Current price is: $4.99.
Deacons: Servants of CharityWritten through the eyes of a deacon, this study of the permanent diaconate discerns who deacons are

On the Call to Holiness in Today’s World Fashion

Original price was: $7.95.Current price is: $3.98.
On the Call to Holiness in Today’s World In his third apostolic exhortation, Pope Francis re-proposes the call to holiness

Our Father: Reflections on the Lord’s Prayer Online Hot Sale

Original price was: $21.00.Current price is: $10.50.
Our Father: Reflections on the Lord’s PrayerNATIONAL BESTSELLER • Pope Francis illuminates the Lord’s Prayer, the most important prayer in

Pope Francis Socks Online Sale

Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $8.00.
Pope Francis SocksContinued from the original design are the papal keys, representing the “keys to the kingdom of heaven” given

Rejoice and Be Glad: Gaudete et Exsultate Hot on Sale

Original price was: $10.99.Current price is: $5.50.
Rejoice and Be Glad: Gaudete et Exsultate Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation is both challenging and encouraging. Challenging because it’s a

The Face of Mercy: Misericordiae Vultus Discount

Original price was: $5.95.Current price is: $2.98.
The Face of Mercy: Misericordiae VultusThe Face of Mercy: Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy (Misericordiae Vultus),

The Infinite Tenderness of God: Meditations on the Gospels Discount

Original price was: $12.99.Current price is: $6.50.
The Infinite Tenderness of God: Meditations on the GospelsSit at the feet of Pope Francis as he preaches to you!

The Joy of the Gospel: Evangelii Gaudium Online

Original price was: $10.95.Current price is: $5.47.
The Joy of the Gospel: Evangelii GaudiumThe Joy of the Gospel (Evangelii Gaudium) is the long-awaited teaching of Pope Francis