Northwest Nations Map
Here you will find the definitive map on the indigenous peoples’ nations that lived in the Northwest region of what is now considered the United States. This map identifies the location of tribes before contact with Europeans and the original indigenous names along with common names used today. The intent of the map is to instill pride in Native Peoples of the Northwest and to be used as teaching tools from a Native Americans’ perspective.
We seek to honor all tribes, by including the larger, well-known ones as well as many that did not survive the effects of European genocide and disease. Most of the tribal names are the correct names used to call themselves in their own languages. The only exception are for those tribes whose languages were never documented. It is a visual reminder of who called this land home for tens of thousands of years before any European set foot, creating a sense of pride for modern-day Native Americans as well as educating the non-Native public. To Native Americans, this land will always be our ancestral homeland.
NOTE: State departments of education are now mandating that American Indian History be taught in schools from the perspective of Native Peoples