St. Peregrine Novena Card Blue Green
Is someone in your life battling cancer? Ask for St. Peregrine’s intercession through a novena on their behalf. Send them the encouragement of your prayers with this Novena Card.
About the Design:
Almost all of us know someone impacted by cancer, whether ourselves, a family member, colleague, or close friend. But did you know that the patron saint of those with cancer is St Peregrine? His intercession is asked for because of the miraculous cure of his cancerous leg after praying in front of an image of Christ crucified. Even in his own lifetime, many were healed through his intercession, and he continues to be called “the Wonder-Worker” even today, more than 600 years later.
The watercolor portrait is inspired by the many images and statues of St Peregrine with his leg bandaged prior to the miraculous healing. The watercolor ribbons on the inside of the card are symbols of hope for those suffering with cancer, each color representing a different type of cancer. The artwork also includes God’s promise from the prophet Isaiah that we should trust in his strength and support during difficult times in our life.
About the Card:
Front of Card: St. Peregrine design
Inside left of card: Isaiah 41:10 quote
Inside right of card: space for writing in novena information and intentions
Back of card: information about novenas and St. Peregrine
5.5″ x 4.25″ folded card
Thick cardstock paper
Includes premium white envelope