These Twelve: The Gospel Through the Apostles Eyes
One, holy, Catholic… and apostolic Church? Catholics often overlook that last part. And Protestants tend to downplay its importance, treating the apostles as accidental byproducts of Jesus’ ministry rather than key pieces of it.
But in These Twelve, author Rod Bennett (Four Witnesses, The Apostasy That Wasn’t) shows that the apostles weren’t random, interchangeable parts—mere pawns that Jesus moved around in order to accomplish his mission. No, these men were the mission.
In this riveting re-examination of familiar Gospel events from the ground-floor perspective of Christ’s hand-picked heirs, you will learn the true meaning of apostolicity—and why it’s an essential mark of the one Church that Jesus founded to go out to the world and make all people his Chosen People.
Along the way, you’ll delight in Bennett’s trademark storytelling style as he movingly depicts what it was like to witness Jesus’ teaching and miracles from the apostles’ point of view. The Lord’s most intimate disciples take on flesh and blood, with their strengths, weaknesses, backgrounds, and motivations explored with the help of Scripture, history, and the insights of faithful scholars.
About the Author
Rod Bennett was, for many years, the editor of Wonder Magazine, a cult-favorite media journal. His writings have appeared in other national publications as well, ranging from Rutherford and Gadfly to Catholic Exchange and Our Sunday Visitor. His first book, “Four Witnesses; The Early Church in Her Own Words”, is a best seller from Ignatius Press. His first novel, “The Christus Experiment” was published in November 2012.
Rod lives in the Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee with his wife Dorothy and their two children.