Who me, Evangelize?: A Simple Guide to Living and Sharing Your Faith
Popes Paul, John Paul II, Benedict, and Francis have all stressed the need for evangelization. But how do we do this? Ring doorbells and hand out tracts? Buttonhole people at the airport or the supermarket to talk about Jesus? No! says Carole Eipers in this excellent book. We don t have to get in people s faces we are already evangelizing by the way we live our lives. We just need to realize this and live our faith as meaningfully and deeply as we can.
Filled with humor and stories from Eipers’ own life, this concise but comprehensive guide offers a wealth of insights and practical hints that will make evangelizing seem real. Each chapter concludes with a classroom reflection or activity for catechists and teachers, as well as ideas for parents to help become effective evangelizers at home.
About the Author
Dr. Carole M. Eipers is Vice President and Executive Director of Catechetics for William H. Sadlier, Inc. She served in parish ministries for over twenty years as a teacher, Director of Religious Education, Youth Minister and Pastoral Associate. Carole was Director of the Office for Catechesis for the Archdiocese of Chicago for nine years and served as President of the National Conference of Catechetical Leadership. She has written and presented for national and international groups in the area of catechetics and holds a Master of Pastoral Studies degree from Loyola University, Chicago, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Graduate Theological Foundation, Indiana.